Frequently Asked Questions

What is it made of?

Aluminum tubing with an epoxied stainless steel core. Steel core is designed in the stress section of the pole. This allows for excellent strength with lightweight. 

Can I leave it up all year?

Yes, the fence is designed to be left up year round.  Many customers remove the fence in the off season and install a pool cover. 

Is there a warranty?

Yes, lifetime

Is it easy to take down?

Yes. One or more panels can be taken down for parties etc.. The fence is installed in sections that can be disconnected and rolled up for easy storage. 

Are you insured?


What if I don’t have concrete?

We can install the fence system in any material that commonly  surrounds swimming pools. 

What if I don’t want to go around my pool?

We can surround a pool, divide a backyard or close off a porch.  We will install the fence to your preference.